Server-side tracking

Pros and Cons of Server-Side Tracking

  • 01 July 2024
  • •
  • 4 Min to Read

In the world of digital marketing, tracking is invaluable. It allows companies to analyze user behavior, optimize campaigns, and gain better insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. While client-side tracking has been the norm for years, server-side tracking is rapidly gaining traction. But what exactly is server-side tracking, and why should you consider it? In this blog, we delve into server-side tracking, discuss its advantages and disadvantages, and offer practical tips for implementation. We also show how Onetagger can assist in transitioning to server-side tracking.

What is Server-Side Tracking?

Server-side tracking refers to the collection and processing of data on a website’s server rather than in the user's browser (client-side). This means that when a user performs an action on a website, the information is sent directly to the server, where it is processed and stored. This contrasts with client-side tracking, where the user's browser is responsible for collecting and sending data to the server.

How Does Server-Side Tracking Work?

In server-side tracking, data from user interactions is first sent to the server, often via an API (Application Programming Interface). The server processes this data, applies any necessary logic (such as anonymizing personal information), and then stores or forwards the data to an external tracking tool, such as Google Analytics.

Advantages of Server-Side Tracking

1. Better Data Accuracy

One of the biggest advantages of server-side tracking is improved data accuracy. Since the data comes directly from the server and is not affected by browser settings or network issues, it is often more reliable and consistent.

2. Enhanced Security and Privacy

Server-side tracking also offers better security and privacy for users. Because data is sent directly to the server and not through the user's browser, there is less chance of data leaks or interception by malicious actors. Additionally, sensitive information can be anonymized or encrypted on the server before being stored or shared.

3. Better Circumvention of Adblockers

Adblockers and other privacy tools can block client-side tracking scripts, causing important data to be lost. Server-side tracking bypasses these limitations because the tracking occurs on the server and does not rely on scripts running in the user's browser.

4. Less Dependency on Client-Side Limitations

Browser settings and limitations can affect the effectiveness of client-side tracking, such as blocking cookies or JavaScript restrictions. With server-side tracking, these limitations are less relevant because tracking occurs on the server, independent of the user's browser.

Disadvantages of Server-Side Tracking

1. More Complex Implementation

Implementing server-side tracking can be more complex than client-side tracking. It often requires technical knowledge and may involve adjustments to server configuration. For companies without internal technical expertise, this can be challenging.

2. Potentially Higher Costs

The costs of setting up and maintaining server-side tracking can be higher than client-side tracking. This is due to the extra server capacity required and the potential need to hire external experts for implementation and maintenance.

3. Dependency on Server Capacity and Speed

Since server-side tracking relies on server capacity and speed, a slow or overloaded server can delay or even lose tracking data. It is essential to ensure sufficient server capacity and robust infrastructure to prevent this.

4. Challenges in Combining with Existing Client-Side Tracking

For companies already using client-side tracking, combining it with server-side tracking can be challenging. This often requires a review of the existing tracking architecture and possibly dual implementation of certain tracking functions.

Onetagger as a Solution

Onetagger offers a robust solution for companies looking to transition to server-side tracking. With Onetagger, companies can enjoy the benefits of server-side tracking without the complexity of a custom solution. Onetagger provides:

  • Easy Implementation: Onetagger simplifies the implementation process with ready-made integrations and a user-friendly interface.
  • Cost Efficiency: Due to Onetagger's scalable and optimized infrastructure, companies can save costs compared to self-hosted solutions.
  • Reliability and Speed: Onetagger guarantees high speed and reliability by leveraging robust server infrastructure.
  • Integration with Existing Tools: Onetagger offers seamless integration with existing tracking tools, ensuring a smooth transition from client-side to server-side tracking.


Server-side tracking offers significant advantages in terms of data accuracy, security, privacy, and bypassing adblockers. However, the complexity of implementation and potential higher costs can be challenging for some companies. Onetagger provides an efficient solution to these challenges with easy implementation, cost efficiency, reliability, and integration with existing tools