Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 04/07/2024

Please carefully read these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) before using the onetagger.com website (“Website”) and other versions of Onetagger, a project that provides you with a tool for server-side tagging. If you disagree with the Terms, you cannot use the Website or our services.

Please note that all materials on the Website are for information purposes only. No such materials are or should be taken as professional advice.


Contact Information

Connexeon BV
Address: Aalmoezenierstraat 20A, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Email: info@onetagger.com
Phone: +32(0)3 369 33 45


1. Definitions

  • Service: The provision and maintenance of software applications by Onetagger for the Client.
  • Client: Any individual or legal entity entering into an agreement with Onetagger.
  • User: Any individual authorized by the Client to use the Services.
  • Agreement: Any agreement between Onetagger and the Client regarding the provision of Services.
  • Personal Data: Information processed under the GDPR.
  • Portal: The website through which the Client and User access the Service.
  • Access Resources: Tools such as usernames and passwords used to access the Portal.
  • Customer: The natural person or legal entity, unincorporated partnerships as well as their representative and authorized person, who have concluded or want to conclude an agreement with Onetagger.
  • Consumer: The natural person acting for purposes that are outside his trade, business, craft, or profession.

2. General

2.1 These Terms apply to both the provision of services and the sale of goods by Connexeon BV, ("Onetagger").
2.2 By sending the order, the Terms are deemed to form an integral part of this agreement and will be accepted without reservation by the Customer.
2.3 These terms apply to all offers and agreements.
2.4 These terms will automatically apply to any subsequent agreements unless explicitly stated otherwise.
2.5 Onetagger expressly rejects the applicability of any terms used by the Client unless agreed in writing.
2.6 If any provision of these terms is void, the remaining provisions remain in force.
2.7 Specific agreements override these terms where they differ.
2.8 The Terms and any specific Agreement constitute the entire and only Agreement between parties and will replace all previous oral agreements, proposals, promises, agreements, or notices concerning the subject of the specific Agreement. Terms and Conditions of the Customer are not applicable.

3. Offers

3.1 Offers are non-binding and valid for the period stated.
3.2 Offers can be revoked within five working days after acceptance by the Client.
3.3 Orders are confirmed via order confirmation; no objections within 14 days implies acceptance.
3.4 Client-provided information is presumed accurate and forms the basis of the offer.
3.5 Costs for non-accepted offers may be charged to the Client.
3.6 Prices exclude VAT and other costs unless otherwise specified.

4. Services and Usage

4.1 Services are provided "as is" and at the Client’s risk.
4.2 Onetagger may alter the design or functionality of Services at any time.
4.3 Client ensures the Services are used only as intended and indemnifies Onetagger against misuse.

5. Pricing

5.1 Prices are specified in the Agreement.
5.2 Prices are in euros, excluding VAT and other levies.
5.3 Onetagger can change prices with at least one month's notice.

6. Payment

6.1 Payments are due within 30 days of invoice unless otherwise agreed.
6.2 Late payments incur statutory commercial interest and collection costs.
6.3 Clients cannot offset payments against claims.

7. Availability

7.1 Onetagger aims for high service availability but does not guarantee error-free operation.
7.2 Changes to service functionality may be made without prior notice.
7.3 Onetagger is not liable for errors, interruptions, or consequential damages.

8. Client Responsibilities

8.1 Clients are responsible for their own hardware, software, and internet connections.
8.2 Onetagger is not liable for third-party applications used by the Client.

9. Access

9.1 Clients are responsible for the secure use of their Access Resources.
9.2 Onetagger can change Access Resources as needed.

10. Intellectual Property

10.1 All intellectual property rights remain with Onetagger or its licensors.
10.2 Clients receive a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Services.
10.3 Clients must not reverse-engineer or misuse intellectual property.

11. Data Protection

11.1 Clients are responsible for the accuracy of their data.
11.2 Personal data is processed in compliance with GDPR.

12. Liability

12.1 Onetagger’s liability is limited to direct damages up to three times the invoice value, with a maximum of €25,000.
12.2 Onetagger is not liable for third-party service failures.

13. Termination

13.1 Agreements can be terminated for non-compliance, liquidation, or bankruptcy.
13.2 Termination must be communicated in writing.

14. Confidentiality

14.1 Both parties must keep confidential information secure.

15. Governing Law and Exclusive Competence

15.1 This Agreement concluded with Onetagger is subject to Belgian law. Insofar as the rules of mandatory law do not describe otherwise, all disputes as a result of the Agreement will be settled by the authorized Belgian Court in the district where Onetagger is established. The applicability of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale (Vienna Convention) is excluded.